NewClear Audio AmP

I am on the hunt for a NewClear Audio amp.  Anyone have any comments on it?  Thoughts on where to find one?  Thank you!
jraducha, I would stay away from that amp. I visited their website and my marketing scam warning light went off. If you have to do a Class D amplifier go here and check these out. 
Many of us do not like Class D amps and I do not think it is all psychological. With off the shelf modules an amp can be built very very inexpensively and sold at a huge profit. Many of the ones floating around in nice chassis are nothing more than subwoofer plate amplifiers shoved in a nice box. 
With short money I would go with a new or used class A/B amp. They can last for many decades. I have an Adcom that has been operating in a dusty workshop for 40 years going strong. Parasound makes a great product for the money. Check out the A21+