My Oppo is a bit too bright

In a comparison to an impartial audience between my analog rig and my Oppo 105D > LFD LE IV rig, the consensus was the the digital end was too bright and brittle.
Some more details:

Oppo 105 > Belden 840 cables > LFD LE IV > Decware Styx speaker cables

VPI HW19 MK 4/Hana ML > Morrow PH4 > LFD LE phono > AZ ICs > LFD LE IV
All feeding into Spatial M3 Turbo S's
I agree with the consensus. Any suggestions for a warmer digital sound?
the consensus was the the digital end was too bright and brittle.

Compared to analog? Situation normal.

@jayctoy Good call. I have a pair of Audioquest IC laying around. I'll try those.

@millercarbon  Yeah, yeah; I know. But still.
The knock on the 105 (I have one) was the power supply. I found Linear Power Supplies on Ebaye. One company provides easy to follow photos. Also replace the OEM IEC . I bought the Furutech with pure silver tail that snaps on the old or new board and a jumper to bypass the 110/220 switch

For ~ $400 you will be amazed

Change cables , Cardas clear reflection excellent balance of 
organic warmer mids and still good detail.
Not sure I’d spend a lot on a 105D such as power supply or the IEC socket but no doubt it will help. I’d recommend using your Oppo as a transport and get a DAC. I have an Oppo 205 and it’s not up to my Cambridge 851C which I was using the DAC in it for my Bluesound Vault 2. I ended up getting a RME ADI 2fs DAC and it is better yet, much better and before I upgraded the power supply on the RME. 

If you’re using your Oppo for two channel only you can probably get enough out of it to pick up better dedicated CD player only like a used Cambridge 851C, or upper used Marantz models. If budget allows keep your Oppo and pick up a DAC.