Upgrade to Maggi 3.7i or Tekton Moab?

I’ve got a dilemma. The audiophile bug to continuously tweak and upgrade has got me wanting more and bigger sound out of my system. I’m currently running Maggi 1.7is with a single SVS SB2000pro, driven by Parasound A21+. What I’m finding is in my large room (20x18 with vaulted 18ft ceiling, leading into open kitchen) it just does not deliver the uumph that I am wanting when I want to "feel" the music hit me. I am debating what my next step should be when I am ready to make the jump. Should I go with a bigger Maggi (3.7i) or should I abandon planars and go with the very alive sounding Tekton line. What I have read so far is that the DI and Moab sound very alive. That I think is that sort of thing I feel is a bit thin with my present system. I am expecting to hear (fairly so) that if i want to feel music hit me in that chest, a planar speaker is not for me and I need to go with dynamic driver. That said, I do love the transparency and cohesive sound of the Maggi, so I want it all I guess? =)

Welcoming any advice or food for thought on this.
While I’ve never been a fan on judging a speaker at an audio show and much prefer judging it in my own room, I have never heard a Tekton or Zu speaker I liked.  I attend every large audio show in the U.S. and I‘ve heard the Moab, Double Impact, Pendragon, and Lore just to name a few in over a dozen setups.  To my ears, and the ears of a friend of mine who is an audio reviewer...the tweeter design sounds “muddy.”  As if someone poured maple syrup over the drivers.  I get the sensation of wanting to take Windex to a window covered in dirt.  Where’s the clarity? Where’s the air around the instruments?  To these ears, nowhere to be found.  I have come to discover that I personally do not like the sound of Eminence pro drivers, which are found in many Tekton and Zu designs.  To me, they sound like pro drivers that don’t belong in hi-fi.  Your ears may tell you differently.  And no, I do not like overly bright speakers either. I don’t love Focal or KEF speakers, but I’ll take a pair from those manufacturers over a Tekton any day.  

If you plan on buying a speaker without auditioning, why entertain buying speakers that have such a love/hate reputation when you can gravitate towards universally loved and acclaimed speakers that aren’t so divisive?  When it comes to Tekton and Zu, always audition first.  You might hate them, you might love them.  But what you’ll really hate is having to box up those massive speakers and ship them back if you don’t.  Reach out to a forum member in your area and request an audition first, it’s a must with these speakers.  
great suggestion @alexbpm; anyone have Moabs in the 831/408 (CA bay area) I could listen to?   Almost ready to drive to Utah!
I too have a very large room with 16 ft ceiliings and it is VERY difficult to get that killer bass in the room. I’ve been trying to get the room corrected for about 12 years....things help, but even Richard Vandersteen himself who set up my 5A’s told me its almost impossible.
My room is ~ 20 x 35 x 12 with one side open up/down stairwell

I had Maggie 3.5Rs + 2 SVS powered subs, couldn't get a seamless blend even with an active XO

I now have Emerald Physics 3.4s (open baffle, 12" driver with concentric polyester tweeter) which do amazingly well on most music. But I still want a bit more impact which either 2.8s or 4.2s will deliver. They can be purchased used if you're patient. IMHO, best speaker bargain

No brainer. The 3.7i handily presents a more detailed and realistic sound stage. It generates much less room interaction but t is not going to do 110dB. So, if you are a head banger it is not the speaker for you. The Maggies are also more demanding of a good amp. Forget about any class D amp. Pass amps and the JC 1's sound glorious. Think class A.
Adding subs will give you low bass and clean up the Maggies a little but it will not get you more headroom. You should be able to do an effortless 95 dB which is as loud as I usually listen. The Maggies are line sources. You will need 4 subwoofer to match up right. 
The Tektons are IMHO some of the worst loudspeakers ever made. They are made as cheaply as possible but they will go loud for a while anyway.