I feel i have been done wrong by TMR..

The story I'm about to tell does not reflect in anyway any purposely wrongdoing by TMR.
I have dealt with TMR in the past and although there was a glitch, they went out of their way to rectify it and all ended well; so, I know they are good guys that practice good business. However, the other day I purchased, and by purchase, I mean moved into a cart and then pressed the pay button for a pair of Gallo speakers. To my surprise I received an SMS saying my card was charged on the one hand, and at the same time I've received a Message that the speakers have already been sold to someone else. This is the short end of the story; the full story ‏shows up a few posts below. I admit at first I've been very upset and I started this post in a different way, it parked a lot of reaction, most of it in favor of TMR which I find to be great, but the real question I want to ask and this is regardless of if it happened with TMR or with any other venue, is,  how can it be that once you move any product into a cart and press the pay button within a few moments the product can be sold simultaneously to another buyer? isn't there any smarter way to prevent such an incident which is obviously going to leave one of the customers disappointed and upset?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xthesound


glad you are speaking out here and more importantly, helping out the customer who feels he has been mistreated

would have been better he just work it out directly with your folks, but some feel being a squeaky wheel airing dirty laundry gets them where they want to go faster... maybe it is true but not such a pretty sight for the rest of us

hope you all at tmr are doing ok in this difficult time; seems like the hifi gear market is doing fairly well with everyone stuck at home more than ever

dear jjss49
 I'd like to start by saying there is no "us"... you wrote the post please speak for yourself, thank you.

as to airing dirty laundry, I think even Josh understood this is not the case here.  I have two objectives in mind when writing this post: one is to bring up an issue with online buying when using multiple venues. the second one was to get heard buy TMR after I tried doing so directly and was unsuccessful. So please....
I think the OP was respectful and objective with his original post. It's unfortunate that things turned out the way they did. I also think Josh of TMR was more than fair and understanding in his reply. I think this is a case of a good customer and a well meaning retailer having a misunderstanding. I'm sure they will be able to work it out. Many times these types of posts turn ugly and it's refreshing that this one did not.
