When I have heard them at shows or dealership the Golden Ear towers have sounded holistically to my ears as much "darker" speakers in terms of overall balance of frequency spectrum. Unless a speaker has attenuation to adjust the balance of driver output, your stuck with the tuning of the designer. Overall, the Golden Ear product line reminds me of the tonal character of Vandersteen, weighted toward the bottom end.
I’m not interested in debating that.
The balance has been so heavy that to date I have not been motivated to review Golden Ear speakers. The impression I have from these hearing events is that they would have impressive low end, but may struggle to get them to open up with an extreme degree of delicacy in the high end.
The more I hear of tiny 1" ribbons, the less impressed I am with them, regardless of brand. Having been an owner of the Legacy Audio Whisper and going through the conversion of the speaker from the old ribbon tweeter to the new 1" super tweeter and the 4" tweeter, it was a prodigious improvement in the upper end, with a much higher degree of deftness to the treble, and balancing better the top/bottom ends. Feel free to read my review of it at Dagogo.com for insight.
Now, having said all that, the GE is a terrific bargain! Hard to get frumpy about a speaker that gives so much for the dollar! But, when you spread out the cost on SO many big goals, there will be some lack of refinement. YMMV