Put that in your pipe(s) and smoke it

I'll say it again: let's seek out the gem's and leave the rest, folks. Ignore the trolls, or be selective of the actual content they bring up - should you choose to reply; it may even hold an unexpected, worthwhile observation or two on a subject that could put into perspective our endeavors here.

More importantly, if we want this forum to allow for free speech and a degree of resilience, some around here should reconsider their liberal urge to hit the 'report' button, because that's the thing that truly annoys me and what I'd call the real trolls around here: the one's feeling offended on grounds I imagine to be so relative to their own agenda, indeed petty in nature, that their reporting a post or thread is likely to see no further inquiry by the admins and is therefore, simply by virtue of being a report alone, put into effect as an actual deletion.

We should be able to hold a conversation without someone feeling taken aback over what is, in the bigger scheme of things, insignificant issues. If not it's an ongoing, sad tendency to shut the mouths of those we don't agree with, or for some other flimsy reason don't like. 
If one were to assume people who complain the most about being censured are never the ones who work the hardest to silence others, one would be mistaken. 
mapman18,021 posts11-11-2020 6:46amIf one were to assume people who complain the most about being censured are never the ones who work the hardest to silence others, one would be mistaken.


Only if you're speaking for yourself... Who else can you speak for...
Certainly not me...

The only true statement, if you think about it..  I don't report, I protest in a civil manner and on an open forum.

I had a report button war with one guy.. I finally let him/her/it/them/whoever, WIN.... Never used it again... Was funny though..

Not sure if Regards is appropriate...  Did you just take a jab at me?
Or was that the single malt typing.  Usually I can tell the difference. :-)

Never a need to delete, Not knowing worst thing in the world...
Can't fix it, if you don't know. This old mechanics moto..
I have some very good examples.   But I will keep them to myself in the best interests of all and in order to not pass judgement on others.
Glad to see everyones' holding their ends up....

...just high enough for someone else to kick it....