Solid State Phono Preamp Suggestions $3k-$4k

Any recommendations on a solid state preamp in the $3,000 - $4,000 price range new?  

I have yet to purchase a TT so I'm flexible on that and cartridge but leaning towards a VPI Scoutmaster with Orotofon Cadenze Bronze cartridge. The limiting factor is my Bryston BP26 preamp which has an input impedance of only 10k ohms.  
After going through two other phono preamps, I settled on the Pass Labs XP-15. It is dead quiet and does not have SS glare or brightness. It has been replaced my the XP-17, right in your price range.

Not a typical choice by many but I have an Acoustic Signature w/ Hana SL running to an SPL Phonos ($1799) with great results. Very Dynamic low noise, just so nice!

PS Audio Stellar got a rave review recently in Stereophile if that's anything to go by. They don't use chips/op-amps but discreet transistors. Apparently the "best midrange at any price" according to Fremer.