Solid State Phono Preamp Suggestions $3k-$4k

Any recommendations on a solid state preamp in the $3,000 - $4,000 price range new?  

I have yet to purchase a TT so I'm flexible on that and cartridge but leaning towards a VPI Scoutmaster with Orotofon Cadenze Bronze cartridge. The limiting factor is my Bryston BP26 preamp which has an input impedance of only 10k ohms.  
Not a typical choice by many but I have an Acoustic Signature w/ Hana SL running to an SPL Phonos ($1799) with great results. Very Dynamic low noise, just so nice!

PS Audio Stellar got a rave review recently in Stereophile if that's anything to go by. They don't use chips/op-amps but discreet transistors. Apparently the "best midrange at any price" according to Fremer.