Questions that Never Die

I'm trying to come up with a list of Questions that Never Die. Here's my list:

Is vinyl or digital better?
Should I get tubes or solid state?
Integrated or separates?
Are floor standers always better than bookshelves?
How much is too much to spend for speakers?
Are all cables the same?
Why won't kids listen to lossless formats?
Is X snake oil?

Got any to add?
@spatialking  Group effort.

Kudos to @oldhvymec for the MOST rhetorical answer, EVER:

Why did they EVER paint anything the color "champagne"

Almost a proof against Divine Design. Almost.

Everyone knows Harry Nilsson was the 5th Beatle.
At least we can put that one to bed. And move on to the mother of all questions that will never die, the Zombie that escaped from George Romero's vault because he forgot the head coffin: 


I was feeling a little mannic... I did that while holding my breath too.. 

The thing I do to amuse myself.  Go ahead pull my finger.

I'll do it myself... :-)
