My Oppo is a bit too bright

In a comparison to an impartial audience between my analog rig and my Oppo 105D > LFD LE IV rig, the consensus was the the digital end was too bright and brittle.
Some more details:

Oppo 105 > Belden 840 cables > LFD LE IV > Decware Styx speaker cables

VPI HW19 MK 4/Hana ML > Morrow PH4 > LFD LE phono > AZ ICs > LFD LE IV
All feeding into Spatial M3 Turbo S's
I agree with the consensus. Any suggestions for a warmer digital sound?
I replaced the Belden 804 cables with Acoustic Zen Silvers and rested the Oppo on four Nobsound Silver/Aluminum spring pods.

Result: the sound is more focused, more resonant, more in-depth. Definitely not as bright as before. Streaming Dominique Fils-Aime’s "Nameless" album via Tidal lossless and it’s flawless.

Unfortunately, I can't use the balanced outputs anymore now that I'm using the LFD. That was a trade-of for its superior presence over my previous Pathos Classic Mk3

Thank You for the update. Good to read that exchanging cables made a sonic improvement.

Happy Listening!
Glad you are getting better results.  I mentioned to you about Vibrapods making a big difference with the Oppo and you seem to be experiencing a similar improvement with the pods you tried.  I would still try the Vibrapods if you have some lying around.  Amazing how changing the footers on some components can make such a difference and sometimes nothing.  Same with cables.   
I rarely use my OPPO which is in a back up system with a TV. It did not sound that great with CD’s so I mainly streamed from a pro iDSD. I had an extra RCA High Fidelity cable from my main system so I decided to use it on the OPPO yesterday. Made a significant improvement and CD’s with the OPPO now sounding better (not bright at all) than streaming QoBuz & Tidal with the pro iDSD. I use these same cables on the pro iDSD & use a High Fidelity MC-6 hemisphere power conditioner in that system. 
So here's another question: I'm in negotiations for a Lyngdorf 2170. How does that deck inside compare with the Oppo? Should I run a coaxial cable from the Oppo to the link dwarf and essentially use the Oppo as a transport?