My Oppo is a bit too bright

In a comparison to an impartial audience between my analog rig and my Oppo 105D > LFD LE IV rig, the consensus was the the digital end was too bright and brittle.
Some more details:

Oppo 105 > Belden 840 cables > LFD LE IV > Decware Styx speaker cables

VPI HW19 MK 4/Hana ML > Morrow PH4 > LFD LE phono > AZ ICs > LFD LE IV
All feeding into Spatial M3 Turbo S's
I agree with the consensus. Any suggestions for a warmer digital sound?
Question: Checked out the Cocktail line and read up on some of the reviews. But question: What if I have no interest in ripping my cd's?

Like, what if I wanted to spend under 2000 on a streamer I could just run Tidal or Quboz through?

Have an Oppo 105D with the Modwright vacuum tube and external power supply option. Closest thing to high quality vinyl that I’ve heard. May be hard to find on used market though.
I replaced the Belden 804 cables with Acoustic Zen Silvers and rested the Oppo on four Nobsound Silver/Aluminum spring pods.

Result: the sound is more focused, more resonant, more in-depth. Definitely not as bright as before. Streaming Dominique Fils-Aime’s "Nameless" album via Tidal lossless and it’s flawless.

Unfortunately, I can't use the balanced outputs anymore now that I'm using the LFD. That was a trade-of for its superior presence over my previous Pathos Classic Mk3

Thank You for the update. Good to read that exchanging cables made a sonic improvement.

Happy Listening!
Glad you are getting better results.  I mentioned to you about Vibrapods making a big difference with the Oppo and you seem to be experiencing a similar improvement with the pods you tried.  I would still try the Vibrapods if you have some lying around.  Amazing how changing the footers on some components can make such a difference and sometimes nothing.  Same with cables.