A blessing? Or a curse?

We all know there’s people who seem to have no memory of or ability to recall anything they hear. We know because they tell us so. In no uncertain terms, either! They are quite certain the only way anything can be compared is to flip back and forth instantaneously, because no one can remember anything they have heard for more than like a microsecond.

So okay, they can’t hear, can’t remember, they are quite certain this is the case, what can we do but believe them?

We also know there are people who seem to be able to recall very well things they have heard, sometimes even quite a long time ago. We hear this one all the time too. They tell us how a certain speaker or whatever sounds, even though they heard it only maybe once at some show or whatever many months ago. Let’s not quibble was it the speakers or the amp or the room or whatever. Point is a definite acoustic memory formed and has stayed with them.

Which at long last brings us to what you already know its really all about: Me! I have this decades long ritual where whenever people are coming over I do something, and sometimes a lot of somethings, to make the system really shine. My favorite thing about this, if I’m totally honest, is at the end when its late at night and the system is truly peaking I get to relax back and take it all in.

So this last time with the guys from Portland coming up, and then on to Mike Lavigne’s, well guess what? Left the Herron and the table on from the night before, woke up early to get the Melody going, ran the XLO demagnetizing tracks about a zillion times, demagnetized, sprayed, and then played a few sides. What they heard when they got here was pretty good. Or as I am told the unanimous opinion was, "Fantastic!" Then off to Mike Lavigne’s. So by the time I get back and relax that night its all been running for like 24 hours.

Holy moly did that sound good! Did not even want to go to bed.

Okay so here’s the problem. Last night, system been off a week, usual 30 min warm up, nothing else, anyone wonder why I was kind of underwhelmed? Its that dang auditory memory. If only I could forget! But then, if I was one of those guys who can’t remember a ding dong thing, would I have the system I have?

So what say you? Is it a blessing? Or a curse?

my answer was totally serious.  I doubt that there was any significant difference in the sounds that your system was emitting on two different occasions.  What differed was your reaction to what you were hearing, which can be influenced by many factors, which are specific to you.  Unless you can produce some measurements showing that your system is doing different things at different times, this discussion doesn’t go anywhere.
  I eventually wound up buying some gear that I hated when I first heard it at Axpona.  At the show it was hot, crowded, I had a tiff with my spouse over spending the whole day there, the friend that I had chosen to go with had recently joined a Fundamentalist Church and spent the day proselytizing, the room for the demo was definitely suboptimal...I could kind of get an idea of the sound of the piece, but was so out of sorts that I put off pursuing it.  Some time later in the friendly confines of my now sadly out of business dealer I heard the same piece.  I recognized the basic sonic signature as I heard at the show but now I was strongly tempted to buy on the spot.  I actually had to check myself by wondering if I was being irrationally exuberant due to the completely different circumstances.  My dealer let me borrow it for the weekend and listen in my own system, and of course I bought it.
  So is it a curse or a blessing that I could recognize that sonic signature over a stretch of time?  I suppose a blessing, and it helped drive home that there is a strong element of subjectivity to this hobby that influences perceptions on a given day.  Ymmv
We know there are people here who have delusions of grandeur and of perceive they have superhuman capability ...
"We" know no such thing. Please tell us one whose behalf you are pretending to speak.
We know that, because they tell us, in every thread they possibly can ...
Please provide examples.
We know there are some people who completely lack an ability to self reflect and self assess ...
Again, who is the "we" you pretend to represent?
We know this because ...
Again, who is the "we" you pretend to represent?

It's revealing that you accuse some here of suffering from delusions, then reserve for yourself the right to address us using the royal "we."
Again, who is the "we" you pretend to represent?
At least in this thread audio2design can generally represent my thoughts on the subject.

We know there are people here who have delusions of grandeur and of perceive they have superhuman capability ...
Respectfully submitted, I don’t doubt the accuracy of this statement.  But with the caveat that it only pertains to a few persons who are persistent posters regarding their abilities..
... audio2design can generally represent my thoughts on the subject ...
Thanks for your candor. Frankly, I think it odd that anyone would characterize those with whom they disagree - yet never even met - as suffering from "delusions of grandeur," which is a mental disorder. What’s next? Are you going to argue those folks should be shipped to re-education camps? Perhaps they should have their parental rights terminated?