A blessing? Or a curse?

We all know there’s people who seem to have no memory of or ability to recall anything they hear. We know because they tell us so. In no uncertain terms, either! They are quite certain the only way anything can be compared is to flip back and forth instantaneously, because no one can remember anything they have heard for more than like a microsecond.

So okay, they can’t hear, can’t remember, they are quite certain this is the case, what can we do but believe them?

We also know there are people who seem to be able to recall very well things they have heard, sometimes even quite a long time ago. We hear this one all the time too. They tell us how a certain speaker or whatever sounds, even though they heard it only maybe once at some show or whatever many months ago. Let’s not quibble was it the speakers or the amp or the room or whatever. Point is a definite acoustic memory formed and has stayed with them.

Which at long last brings us to what you already know its really all about: Me! I have this decades long ritual where whenever people are coming over I do something, and sometimes a lot of somethings, to make the system really shine. My favorite thing about this, if I’m totally honest, is at the end when its late at night and the system is truly peaking I get to relax back and take it all in.

So this last time with the guys from Portland coming up, and then on to Mike Lavigne’s, well guess what? Left the Herron and the table on from the night before, woke up early to get the Melody going, ran the XLO demagnetizing tracks about a zillion times, demagnetized, sprayed, and then played a few sides. What they heard when they got here was pretty good. Or as I am told the unanimous opinion was, "Fantastic!" Then off to Mike Lavigne’s. So by the time I get back and relax that night its all been running for like 24 hours.

Holy moly did that sound good! Did not even want to go to bed.

Okay so here’s the problem. Last night, system been off a week, usual 30 min warm up, nothing else, anyone wonder why I was kind of underwhelmed? Its that dang auditory memory. If only I could forget! But then, if I was one of those guys who can’t remember a ding dong thing, would I have the system I have?

So what say you? Is it a blessing? Or a curse?
The music or the sound?
Stupid choice.
If the music is enjoyable, go for it.
If it's got to be perfect stick to sine waves on test tracks.


I actually like that you have a way of ramping up the discussion a couple of notches to make your points.

However, in this case I don’t interpreted the comment regarding persons who have delusions of grandeur, etc., as being meant in the clinical sense, but rather implying an unchecked need for upmanship.
Again, who is the "we" you pretend to represent?
If anyone is keeping log, I will have to side with audio2design and, to the letter, with jetter in this case.

Having said that, would it be easier or harder to agree if audiogon was not only visual, but also auditory experience?
... I don’t interpreted the comment regarding persons who have delusions of grandeur, etc., as being meant in the clinical sense, but rather implying an unchecked need for upmanship ...
So these people with whom you disagree are not actually clinically insane, but just need to be put in their place somehow? Is that what you’re saying?

That's a sincere question. I'm trying to understand the underlying anger and indignation that's being targeted at some here.
I have a very good memory for facts, details, things I've read or heard though that ability (recall of page numbers where particular passages appeared in text) has declined with age. I do not trust my auditory memory, though, and need to do direct A/B comparisons of pressings, for example, within the same time frame, for me to make a meaningful assessment. I have also found that at a certain point, I go into what I'd call sensory overload, and simply can't do the comparisons effectively-- it is mentally exhausting. 
That doesn't directly address your question. You claim that you can accurately remember what you heard from weeks before. I also think there are a lot of variables- you mentioned some-- state of power feeding your system, mood (which is in my estimation a huge variable- I don't do any sort of analytical listening unless I'm in the proper frame of mind to concentrate). I am amazed that you can recall with any reliability exactly what you heard in a prior listening session. Perhaps that ability varies by person-- I can usually conclude that a particular dish of food is better than the same dish prepared weeks or months before- that's certainly a sense impression and in that, I trust my memory of the experience. Odd.