Class A or AB Solid State Integrated Amp for Spendor D9's - Coming from Tubes

So I'm looking at getting a solid state Class A or AB integrated amp to go with my Spendor D9's and my Lumin T2. I strictly stream and do not have a turntable setup. I'm coming from my Line Magnetic 805ia which I love (will still keep it around but turn it on for those times where I want to listen to tube and not drain its life on watching TV) but I would still like to find a warmer/sweeter sound rather than a sterile, ultra-analytical sound. Some that I have considered include: 

  • Luxman 590AXII
  • Accuphase E800
  • Diablo 300
  • Boulder 866
I have not heard the Diablo or the Boulder in person because there aren't any dealers in the WA area but I hear great things. Any thoughts or help would be much appreciated! 

I own D7.2’s and a LM805ia. You probably know this, but a sound profile like the LM is a bad match for TV/movie audio, where one actually does want sterile/analytical with lots of watts. If you must combine the music and tv in one system, I think that @jjss49 recommendations were very good. Move the warm/sweet/tubes to the music source/stage before quality SS amplification. Lumin is a good streamer but you could improve  sound with a separate tube dac/line stage. Unclear on how you are sourcing your tv audio input but if you could find an integrated amp with pre-in/bypass then you could use that for the music side and use a ‘normal’ input with volume/gain for the tv source.
Currently using the Ayre VX5/20 175 watts/channel into 8 ohms with my D9s with excellent results. The Ayre AX5/20 integrated should be on you list.
Um no you don't need 300 watts to drive Spendors. Your list is a good one I would lean towards Luxman but I also like goldprintaudio's Sugden suggestion. Great speakers btw congrats!