I want to open a store in Hong Kong.

I am planning to move to Asia, where I want to start my own business selling audio equipment from the USA. Has anyone done something like this. If you have experience, give advice. What about licensing of copyright equipment?
For real, what are the truths about dangers of wearing masks?

glupson, the problem with masks is that people are always touching them. A common way to contract a virus is to touch an object (door handle, display merchandise, railing, etc.) that has the virus on it then touch your face. The virus is then moved into your eyes, your nose or your mouth where it gets into cells and you have an infection. If you watch people wearing masks they touch them and their faces a lot. If you wear a mask, keep your hands off it.
Masks are a joke. Anyone dim enough to buy into that, maybe you can explain to me why it is that if a scarf or procedure mask is all you need to be safe from a virus then why the haz mat suits and BSL4 labs negative pressure environments are necessary? Because real scientists know the reality: trying to stop a virus with a mask is like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain link fence. 

Forget theory, how about fact? I myself was recently in hospital with pneumonia. Which I gave myself from stupidly neglecting my CPAP machine. No COVID contact whatsoever. Which I told the docs. Which they tested me anyway. In spite of ZERO COVID symptoms - no fever, no body aches, no cough, no taste or smell or any of the other BS symptoms they made up to make everyone scared of the slightest little thing.  

Test comes back negative. OF COURSE! Because I don't have COVID! No, they say, we need to test again! Seriously! Not making this up! So they test again and this time Sorry bad news you have covid, and proceed to basically tell me I am gonna die, sorry. So sorry. Actually happened. Not making this up. 

So they move me to the covid isolation wing. Where my nurse says feel free to use the call button there's plenty of us we have 26 rooms to cover only 6 of which are in use. Did you get that? 75% empty. Not even 1/4 capacity! This is the great covid crisis?!?!  

Who all by the way knows Elon Musk had himself tested 4 times in the same day? Who knows the results? Anyone? Beuller? 2 came back positive, 2 negative. Just like me. Totally random. I never did have ANY covid symptoms, my chest x-ray showed only pneumonia, because that's what it was.  

That's just one small story in this global conspiracy that is being perpetrated on everyone today. The truth is out there. They make it hard to find. Some snowflake, although a better term is the older useful idiot, will complain and the mods will be only too happy to remove this post. Funny thing though. They can remove the words. But they cannot remove the truth. No one can. Truth gives but one choice: accept- or deny.
Every day since Oct. 28th, save for 3 days, Covid cases are pass 1,000/day in Washington State. Back when MC was in for his ailment, it was a different story as anyone with half a brain can deduce. 

It's not fake news that hospitals in the Mid West are past capacity. Some are running out of hospital staff. Again, not fake news. 

Average mask efficacy is 67%. Period. It prevents droplets from you traveling out to others. How hard is that to wrap your cultish heads around? I'll take those odds any day of the week. It's no inconvenience to wear one. I'm not surrendering one iota of my "freedom". It's common sense. Why is it the fools had to go and make it a political thing?

All this BS about touching your face mask is a red herring. Things would be so much easier if ya'll just seek out and find your own Jonestown and get it all over with, leaving the rest of us to lead a normal life.

All the best,
It's really truly a scary thing when people who are presumably educated believe in this conspiracy nonsense. Here is a good read on that subject: