The secret to a great amplifier...

Is a $150 Orange fuse from Synergistic Research. Seriously, extreme boost in sonic performance. Blacker background, larger soundstage... if I wanted to make some bucks, I’d put these is cheap OEM compnents and start letting the accolades and purchasers come calling.

Mind you, I have a high value-oriented $20k system, so it was nice before, but damn!
"If you can’t measure......"      That’s been, "science’s" failing, throughout it’s history and- always my point.      ie: Knowing how or what to measure.      If you had the slightest background (or- genuine interest) in the subject, you’d understand.      With no foundation/higher education in Physics  (obviously), you can’t begin to grasp anything (the, "possibilities") to which I refer.     Hence; your posts are full of uneducated, "leaps" (assumptions) and any responses (on my part) are a waste of keystrokes.
Anyone interested in whether installing a better fuse (whether high-Dollar, "audiophile", or- simply a better constructed one, as mentioned by some), can make a difference in your system’s presentation: just TRY them, for yourselves, as did this thread’s OP.      The Naysayer Church HATES it, when THAT happens!            Whatever the rationale; if it sounds better TO YOU, it will have been worth the effort.               
rodman999994,785 posts11-23-2020 8:19am
"If you can’t measure......"     That’s been, "science’s" failing, throughout it’s history and- always my point.     ie: Knowing how or what to measure.     If you had the slightest background (or- genuine interest) in the subject, you’d understand.     With no foundation/higher education in Physics  (obviously), you can’t begin to grasp anything (the, "possibilities") to which I refer.    Hence; your posts are full of uneducated, "leaps" (assumptions) and any responses (on my part) are a waste of keystrokes.

You can throw all the insults you want out. I will put my knowledge and understanding of physics, experimental and theoretical up against yours any day. Have at it.  You show your hand when you talk in flowery language, but can't apply specific aspects of physics to very specific problems. That is the difference between people who know, and those that just read. Those that know talk in specifics, not generalities.

But, most of all, you continue to try to convince others not to use proper experimentation in perceptive analysis. No person in the sciences would ever claim that none blind tests were valid or continually promote them as having significant validity.

As noted above, I am all for people testing fuses, just test them, with only your ears, and not your eyes.  Get someone to help you so you can eliminate bias.  Then maybe we can put this topic to bed.

As noted above, I am all for people testing fuses, just test them, with only your ears, and not your eyes. Get someone to help you so you can eliminate bias. Then maybe we can put this topic to bed.
By the by, there's a video on YouTube by Paul McGowen where he talks about fuses and it meets your very same requirements. In it, he tells of a friend of his who's doing something to one of his amps away from Paul, who's sitting some distance away, both talking audio.

Now Paul has no idea what his friend is doing, who tells him to just sit there and listen. Paul never knows if something is being changed or not, when prompted, or what it is that's being changed. Every single time he's asked if he hears a difference for better or worse, he's correct in his assessment. 

Turns out his friend was swapping out a fuse.

All the best,

This is Paul, who is no stranger to hyperbole, sort of like your description.

- A single change was made. The unit was turned off, said change was made, then turned back on.  There was no repeated testing.

- Paul say's marvellous improvement

He is already preconditioned for their to be a change. The expectation is already set.  This is what audiophiles do to themselves all the time. A real test would be changing the fuse between two different ones, and sometimes not changing at all.  It is not a subtle difference.

Of note, power cords likely taken on / off wiping contacts, case top removed to change the fuse (was it left off) ... oh, and Paul knew he took the case top off, so further expectation bias.