Oppo 105 vs. 205 in playing SACDs

I use the Oppo 105 to play SACDs. And the sound is wonderful.
I’ve heard that the 205 does a better job of playing regular CDs, but is it also superior in playing SACDs?
The 205 has a better power supply but for ~ $400 and minimal DIY skills I took an educated guess and updated my 105 with aftermarket LPM and a Furutech IEC with silver wire to connect to the PS and ground and a jumper to bypass the 110/220 switch. I was/am AMAZED, no longer use a preamp

See my blog on AGon
Another "advantage" of the 205 is decoding of MQA encoded CDs. However, the machine is noisy as it decodes. The music generally masks the noise (think PC ripping CD to hard drive) but I would locate the machine behind the wall (and pass thru the interconnects) if I could. The MQA discs do sound great (Rebecca Pidgeon & Donald Fagen's Nightfly so far).
Couldn't compare the 2 but I have the 205 and it is the single best audio purchase I have ever made. The flagship sabre dac is wonderful and have not found one that is better, AKM and Wolfson included.
As you know, Oppo has reorganized and dropped the product. In your position I would seek out Marantz or Bryston.