I've searched everywhere and there are lots of people discussing contact cleaning but no one mentions the dusty dirty jackets especially on fabric jacketed cables like Audioquest etc. I used a hand vacuum cleaner with an edge attachment, cut a radius notch in the end, then used painters tape on the edges to prevent staging the threads of the fabric. As I re install the cables, I'm considering expandable loom to protect them from dust in the future. Loom is inexpensive and disposable. Anyone else have a better idea?
How about compressed air, if you have an air compressor available. Canned air wouldn’t be enough, in my opinion.
There’s a great idea! I’ve always wanted an air compressor... lol
Much more effective than the vacuum cleaner, and has so many more uses! Time to go to Harbor Freight before I put the whole thing back together as soon as my amp gets back from service. The right channel just went out on my Anthem P5.
That's what I said. Oldschool1 was talking about mud? Time to change the furnace filters?

As I have discovered, this is why homemade or reasonably priced cable lifters are very useful..