I’ve tried 4 different audiophile ac outlets and find them a very worthy upgrade although which you’ll prefer will be dictated by your preference(s) in sound. Below is what I heard with each. I installed them in a PS Audio P600 and then tried the Porter Ports and Cruze Audio Maestro in the wall as well.
Oyaide SWO: compared to the orange outlet that came with the P600, the SWO was warmer and slightly more detailed. I felt the bass was too prominent and loose though and would go with stock over the SWO. Compared to the Oyaide R1, Porter Port, and Cruze Audio Maestro the SWO was the least detailed, rolled off on top, opaque, and sloppy sounding all around. I sold it shortly afterwards.
Oyaide R1: this is a rather good outlet. The detail is there is spades. Imaging is also much better, both in outlines and depth. PRAT also improves quite obviously. The R1 really invigorates the sound. The only negative of the R1 is that the Porter Port and the Maestro are both noticeably more transparent (in my systems).
Porter Port: way better than the Oyaide SWO and preferable to the R1 and it does a better job of getting out of the way. The R1 has better control and "sounds" better doing all the audiophile things except the Porter is purer. I could easily see how some would prefer the R1 but I’m big into hearing more into the sounds and the Porter allows that more than the R1
Cruze Audio Maestro: this is my favorite outlet combining the sound of the R1 and the Porter. It has almost as much control as the R1 and almost the transparency of the Porter but beats out both by not having any real shortcomings. I keep 2 of these and 2 of the Porters in my PS Audio P600 and had another in the wall until I became a renter and got a little lazy about those kinds of upgrades.
comparing the Porter and the Maestro I find the Porter has a slight advantage in transparency though it sounds a bit loose, that is the bass and dynamics are slightly subdued in comparison.
Oyaide SWO: compared to the orange outlet that came with the P600, the SWO was warmer and slightly more detailed. I felt the bass was too prominent and loose though and would go with stock over the SWO. Compared to the Oyaide R1, Porter Port, and Cruze Audio Maestro the SWO was the least detailed, rolled off on top, opaque, and sloppy sounding all around. I sold it shortly afterwards.
Oyaide R1: this is a rather good outlet. The detail is there is spades. Imaging is also much better, both in outlines and depth. PRAT also improves quite obviously. The R1 really invigorates the sound. The only negative of the R1 is that the Porter Port and the Maestro are both noticeably more transparent (in my systems).
Porter Port: way better than the Oyaide SWO and preferable to the R1 and it does a better job of getting out of the way. The R1 has better control and "sounds" better doing all the audiophile things except the Porter is purer. I could easily see how some would prefer the R1 but I’m big into hearing more into the sounds and the Porter allows that more than the R1
Cruze Audio Maestro: this is my favorite outlet combining the sound of the R1 and the Porter. It has almost as much control as the R1 and almost the transparency of the Porter but beats out both by not having any real shortcomings. I keep 2 of these and 2 of the Porters in my PS Audio P600 and had another in the wall until I became a renter and got a little lazy about those kinds of upgrades.
comparing the Porter and the Maestro I find the Porter has a slight advantage in transparency though it sounds a bit loose, that is the bass and dynamics are slightly subdued in comparison.