How Long Did It Take You To Build Your Dream Setup?

I hope this isn't too off topic, but I'm curious as to how long it has taken to build your dream setup? I'm on the ever long hunt for MORE and BETTER and I think I need some other users perspective as my neurotic brain is on the hunt monthly for upgrades. 
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My system right now is as good as I could ever imagine. It is my final system and I have not changed any components in 5 years. No change are contemplated either. It took 38 years from my first turntable/receiver/speaker setup to the establishment of my final system. 
Note though that the system I had 10 and 20 years ago, both of which features almost all different components than I have now (albeit same turntable) were excellent. 
But to reach a point where I concluded “I’m totally done”- 38 years 

I continue to repair/maintain as needed and one day my phono cartridge will say no mas 
36 years since buying my first setup of a cheap Technics belt drive, Rotel amp and KEF Coda3 speakers. #wheredoesthetimego