How Long Did It Take You To Build Your Dream Setup?

I hope this isn't too off topic, but I'm curious as to how long it has taken to build your dream setup? I'm on the ever long hunt for MORE and BETTER and I think I need some other users perspective as my neurotic brain is on the hunt monthly for upgrades. 
My system right now is as good as I could ever imagine. It is my final system and I have not changed any components in 5 years. No change are contemplated either. It took 38 years from my first turntable/receiver/speaker setup to the establishment of my final system. 
Note though that the system I had 10 and 20 years ago, both of which features almost all different components than I have now (albeit same turntable) were excellent. 
But to reach a point where I concluded “I’m totally done”- 38 years 

I continue to repair/maintain as needed and one day my phono cartridge will say no mas 
36 years since buying my first setup of a cheap Technics belt drive, Rotel amp and KEF Coda3 speakers. #wheredoesthetimego
If memory serves my first component system was purchased in 1961 or 1962 and  I am still chasing the dream in December 2020.  But I actually started listening to jazz on my grandmother's wind up Victrola way before that.
I don't sell many HiFi Devices when they have been deselected, and are out of use, due to a replacement device taking on their role.
This allows me periodically to experience a Retro Configuration of Devices used on my System.
To date all exchanged devices have proven to be the correct choices to satisfy my personal preference for a Performance and Sound Quality. 

My Speakers have been ESL 57's since the late 90's and are now a Stacked Array.
I also have a respected design DIY Built pair of Three Way Speakers,
but they are receiving little use.

My Power Amps were designed to be custom built in the early 2000's
and still remain as the main used Amp's.
I still have my original Power Amp and it is still a impressive listen.

I have been through a few Pre Amp's and now using the 
Nelson Pass Korg Nutube B1.
When a previous used Pre Amp is exchanged to compare to the
B1, the B1 is reinstated with almost immediate effect, it is very satisfying and works so well for me..

My Idler Drive TT and SME IV owned since the late 90's is now replaced for the past few years by a DD and a custom version of a Tone Arm with a rebuilt MC Cartridge.
I do plan one day setting the two TT's up side by side on a identical support platform.

My Phonostage has gone through a few Topologies from SS, Valve/SS Hybrid, V/SS Hybrid with SUT, and for approximately Two Years has been a Custom Designed Valve Input/Valve Output with SUT, and a New SUT added very recently.

Digital is only in use for a Few Years, I went from tipping my toes in the water with a Cheapo CDP, to loaning a Custom Modified CDP.
This evolved into my purchasing a PW Memory Player and a Custom Designed Valve Regulated/Valve Output DAC.
I am not feeling the need to improve upon this set up

Cabling changed through various trials and to date I am using
Mapleshade Speaker and Digital Foil.
I have tried various Interconnects OFC to OCC Copper and Silver and now starting to trial when found at a reasonable price D.U.C.C. and PC Triple C.

I don't see a need to exchange to any New Devices, but do have a curiosity about how to experiment with the interfaces within the system.
i.e, Cartridge Tag Wires, Interconnect Cables and Power Cables,
Mains Conditioner/ DC Blockers maybe even a Schumann Generator ??? 

From a personal experience, the system in any of its guises has always supplied music that has been enjoyed.
The added personal enthusiasm to continue with learning and creating a very unique System that has a very personal stamp on it,  has been a slowly developing realisation.
Many of my choices made were to come to fruition,
as a result of being actively sociable within a broad range of
HiFi Groups, Enthusiast Events, Forums and through being willing to travel to take part through contribution and take on new experiences.

Such a pursuit has offered the opportunity to have met with talented individuals whose work has helped mould my ideas and have undoubtedly helped with my achieving the production of the devices that make up my System.