Audiophile demographics?

Why are there a disproportional number of male audiophiles?
Not sure if this is a silly question, but speaking for myself, I have never met a female audiophile.
I am sure they exist, but their scarcity begs the question as to why.
Is it merely that men have more of the "mine is bigger than yours" mentality, do men love gadgets and tools or is it something more sinister?

"Also, guys need an excuse to invite anyone over. Girls have things built in for this."
What exactly are these built in "things" that women have?
Nice try Duke!   Regardless of gear and bigger and all the macho talk in these tag-ons there is one thing not one man has said about 'watching women or listening to music with women' my 70-something years I have never ever  even seen a woman actually 'listen' to music.  Never!  Listening is more than 'catching the lyrics'.  And I am very friendly with many women.  But you can watch them glaze over when you put some Captain Beefheart on the turntable.  I think that is why they tend to more opera with all the visual stimulation and a story of pain and heartbreak.  Women seemed to be more attracted to music videos too.  Ask a woman to close her eyes and have a conversation and see what happens.  Or of course, they jump up and need to dance.  But sit and listen the way my male friends or my adult sons listen; not. 
I think it is far less about expressing emotions and far more about getting your own bad self out of the way and to shut up long enough to 'listen' to music.  $6 ear buds or $60,000 speakers make no difference if you are not a listener and only a 'hear-er'.     
keithsax:  Did the transgenders you mention change to girlish people to guyish?  If so, was it to be accepted as audiophiles>  TeeHee from a very guyish dude.
drblarney1:  Yes, I agree, mostly.  We inherit things genetically, but mostly physical attributes.  We also inherit socially, from those we are around.  We rarely learn behaviors, and especially not identities,  on out own.  Even kids who are mistreated still learn to be like their tormentors.  
Applying stereotypes to audiophiles based on sex may be problematic. What is the percentage of males who are audiophiles?  Likely less than 1% of total male population. The vast majority of men don't get it any more than the women.  I suspect nurture has a lot more to do with it than nature. Its likely the vast majority of audiophiles became audiophiles because of exposure to other male's audio systems, guys hanging around with guys at impressionable age.

It follows far fewer women are audiophiles due to less exposure to women with high end systems. Chances are women only hear high end systems owned by men, figure its a man thing.

Culture is defined mostly by followers.