New WIREWORLD Eclipse 8 series FULL REVIEW

The Wireworld updated Eclipse 8 speaker cables, interconnects and the 75 ohm digital coax could be the greatest value ( in the “ upper priced market) visa- vie sound quality- ( without going to $6k for Inakustik’s LS-4004) !!

"I didnot use their power cords I used the Eclipse 8Loudspeaker cable 
which is very well balanced ,I thought the reviews on them were very accurate 
I tried the interconnects , my Yamaha 2100 mosfet  integrated sounds very respectable and very dynamic I wanted to give its perspective mores Row 8 then say a row 4 ,perspective ,theCardas clear reflection  interconnect ,a perfect balance both cables complemented each other the latestwire world Eclipse 8 
now a awg9  cable using the worlds best 48 individual OCC- 7-9s Copper 
their top Opto meometry and obsilix-3 dielectric which is actually better then Teflon ,the interconnect was also respectable  I didnot find anything dull in my system ,ifyou wanted more detail the goldEclipse 8 excellent .
myself wanting very good detail but want a bit of added warmth , the clear reflection does both well , the clear reflection speaker cable excellent but $1k 
more then the Wireworld and very detailed and balanced blends well with most interconnects . Their power cords not as good as their audio cables IMO.
My interconnects and speaker cables are WW series 7 and 8. I was using Eclipse 7 PCs, probably very good at their price point, but my system sounds a lot more natural with other PCs, though I have not tried WW higher range PCs
I recently bought the WW Eclipse 8 xlr interconnects vs my Cardas clear reflection the reflection warmer this new 8 series cables are dramatically better the very respectable 7 series,across the board.
Interesting sentence. I can’t tell if you actually preferred Eclipse 8 over Cardas Clear Reflection. Also, have you tried regular Cardas Clear?
Well— I will be reviewing Wireworld Eclipse 8 Silvers in a few weeks, having just installed the interconnects replacing Basic Eclipse 8.
Assuming your loudspeakers have NO ... uptilted upper mid- treble response; you will be in for a SHOCK!!
Otherwise, we have decided on our product of the year for 2020– ( products WE have reviewed, of course)