I don't think anybody has posted this group and album . yet
It is Amazing IMO
It is Amazing IMO
Jazz for aficionados
I don't think anybody has posted this group and album . yet It is Amazing IMO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-VWlZ2LJ6k |
Likewise, not much posts about Eddie Harris ’Mean greens’ from 1966. I like the trumpet player here, Ray Codrington, does anybody cares to mention some good albums where he plays? https://youtu.be/yibgqq9N1Ds https://youtu.be/kZ1QyYVNe6E |
Good player, Codrington. My first exposure to his playing was on this other Eddie Harris record which I posted a while back. Probably his best known record, it features Codrington and Harris’ best known composition “Freedom Jazz Dance” which has become a modern Jazz standard. https://youtu.be/iDrH5urtCbQ Alex, Codrington’s best known associations were with Harris with whom he recorded several records and with the great pianist Larry Willis. Not on YouTube (sorry), but I recommend Willis’s record “Sanctuary” featuring Codrington. Speaking of Harris and trumpet, Harris pioneered the rather bizarre hybrid instrument the reed trumpet. A trumpet with a saxophone mouthpiece: https://youtu.be/NMmjh4qkEZY |
Acman, thanks, just listening. That and theirs other album is on sale here https://www.freshsoundrecords.com/the-jfk-quintet-albums/5773-new-jazz-frontiers-from-washington-you... Frogman, thank you too, I am aware od that Harris album, infact it can be bought as double edition with an album I posted. Will search for that Willis album as well. |