B&W 801D or 802Ds

Basically, I would like your impressions of both of these speakers. I have gone out and heard them, but not side by side, and either one would be a most excellent choice. However, I would like to know from owners of these speakers what are the strengths and weaknesses of the 2.

I do prefer the big woofers of the 801D, but the 802D might have tighter bass. Also, I've looked for the 801Ds and I haven't found them anywhere on the used market. Not even here on Audiogon this summer.

Thanks for your time. Looking forward to the discussion.
i hear you EVerest. i thought i would suggest it in case he was focused on getting big speakers no matter what. in my own case, for the right price, i would do it...so i get the speaker i want. since i still rent, i know i could always move and find a bigger room within a year or 2...but in a 1 i might not necessarily get that rare opportunity to get the speaker i want at great s/hand price. for example, Jack did say the last time they sold a s/hand pair of 801Ds was over 4-5 years ago, and they are a pretty big seller of audio.
My current speakers (JBL L890s) work fine in my room. They have 2 8 inch woofers per side. I can see the 801Ds not working, but I don't see why the 802Ds wouldn't work. No way am I getting small speakers. Sorry about that.
The cabinet width of the 801 in that size room would be a problem both sonically and visually in my opinion. I have a similar size room 15 X 14 and the 802's are just right.