B&W 801D or 802Ds

Basically, I would like your impressions of both of these speakers. I have gone out and heard them, but not side by side, and either one would be a most excellent choice. However, I would like to know from owners of these speakers what are the strengths and weaknesses of the 2.

I do prefer the big woofers of the 801D, but the 802D might have tighter bass. Also, I've looked for the 801Ds and I haven't found them anywhere on the used market. Not even here on Audiogon this summer.

Thanks for your time. Looking forward to the discussion.
The cabinet width of the 801 in that size room would be a problem both sonically and visually in my opinion. I have a similar size room 15 X 14 and the 802's are just right.
the 80Ds can be very, very good w the right upstream components; not so much if the system has any tendency toward brightness or distortion in the upper frequencies.