Speaker Audition

I presently have an Avantgarde Uno (about 15 years old) in my system.  It’s very good but I am feeling it’s time for a different approach to getting the sound I want/like .... that being musicality and dynamics.  Horns deliver this but with a horn signature if you get what I mean.  I am looking for suggestions of what should be on my audition list.  Budget would be +/-$25k.  I was at an audio show this weekend and listened to a few speakers that might fit the bill:  Genesis Maestro, Rockport Atria II, Magico S5, Vandersteen 5A Carbon, Tannoy Kensington, Vivid Kaya 90 (maybe too small for the room and the big Vivids too much $).  Really appreciate any suggestions you might have of speakers that I might add to this list for further listening.

(Music I listen to most: rock, jazz, blues and female vocals.  Amps Pass Labs XA 60.8, AR Ref 6 Pre, REL subs, sources vinyl and streaming, largeish listening room but have to set up speakers on the long wall ... far from corners)
Depending on your room size Charney Audio makes full range rear loaded horns based on a tractrix design. Not your typical horn sound. Very full and engaging with non of the horn coloration's you may have heard in other designs. Best is to set up an appointment to audition at Charney in Somerset NJ.

I hear you on the horns—they do some things really well. I’ve heard the Charney’s at CAF and in his showroom (house)—they are good (not game changing but good). Your electronics and room compel a look at the Daedalus Apollo 11. They will give you 98% of what you like about your horns (97db efficient) PLUS proper tone that will show where your current Sonics may be lacking. They are in your price range as well.
dodgealum, I attended the Bangkok International Audio show.  I am an expat  working in Thailand.  To the credit of the authorities here, there have been just under 60 cases of Covid (out of 65 million people) since February so everything now is back to normal here ... did need to wear a mask at the audio show though.
IMO a typical speaker like some you have mentioned above will not offer the same sound of a horn based speaker.  They usually cannot provide the open sound as horns.  While horns usually do not have the bass to keep up with the rest of the speaker.  I find it hard that you are not getting musically and dynamics form your speakers.  To me that would be a component issue.  I am not familiar with the Pass amp and what it can do so I cannot help you there.  I have only owned the Pass X-250 a long time ago which is a completely different animal.  The speakers you mention above cover a wide range of signature sounds.  The Magico and the Vandersteen are completely different sounds.  I own 5As and my buddy had a few of the Magico speakers.  They don't offer the same sonic signature both very different approach.  I would take the time to hear what you can before making such a change IMO.

Happy Listening.