JBL L65 vs Forte III vs Cornwall IV

Any thoughts on which of these options sounds best to you? I have the JBLs, they’ve been well maintained and sound very good but, after 42 years, am kicking around the idea of moving them to my workshop if either of the Klipsch is a jaw-dropping step up.

Listening preferences are all over the map but jazz/blues/non-metal pop/rock predominantly....very little classical/bluegrass/country.

Listening space is less than ideal - one end of an “open” floor plan with speakers on long wall...usable listening space is 12.5’ x 16’. With the L65s, my listening position is 9-10 foot from speakers.

Amp is a PrimaLuna Prologue Classic integrated, currently running stock preamp section tubes and GL KT 77s.

Thanks in advance.
The original poster mentioned “workshop,” which may be a lot nicer and climate controlled vs a garage. I am betting he spends some quality time out there , hence the need for some 42 yr old JBL soeakers. Sounds like a good idea to me! 
Another vote for the Cornwall IVs. I too listen to a very wide range of music; classical, jazz, world, electronic, ultra heavy... The Cornwalls do it all with deep, tight bass to rich mid-range to sparkling highs. They'll sing with your amp!

Like any quality speakers, room and placement makes a big difference but you can't go wrong with them if you love horns, at the price they sell for. I scored mine brand new for $5k and love them.
I have a pair of Bob Crites cornscala’s type “c” that I’m very happy with. I’m running them with a Bob Latino st-120 and a Vincent as-t7. Sounds amazing 
Yeah I figured these naysayers have never heard the current version of klipsch heritage speakers. Even older models sound better when properly dialed in with good electronics in front of them. I’m sure most have only heard them driven with cheap SS crap and come to a “conclusion”. Seems par around here.......’

Workshop/ garage is my favourite listening room hence Quad 57s at height for me standing- also the only place big enough for the speakers ( in fact the acoustics are really good in there- big square heated room with rubber floor mats and MGB in the middle, bike parts and tools filling shelving all the way round. Can also up the volume if the mood takes me. Why would you put crap/ cheap and possibly cheerful in somewhere where you'll probably spend as much time listening with no interruptions.