Do chinese tube preamp/amp clones interest you?

Hi all,

looks like there a quite a few clones of almost iconic gear available, e.g. this is an example

Have you ever wondered how they sound, are tempted to try them out, maybe even get it as a kit?

Or better even, got them and can report back?

Inquiring minds would like to know,

Miller how much steel did your boyfriend purchase from China via shell companies? 
Just a question. Do those here who object to buying Chinese goods (not just fakes, but any at all) make sure that there are no Chinese parts inside of the non-Chinese goods that they buy? Because if a product has Chinese parts inside of it then Chinese companies are benefiting.
In logic this is what is called the Fallacy of the Straw Man. Create an imaginary and totally fake position, pretend that's what the person said, then refute it.   

Total garbage. You can do better. On second thought maybe not. But surely you can at least try? We all have to start somewhere you know. Thinking, I mean.
Anyone knows what millercarbon is referring to in his post above? Is there a clarification of that peaceful wisdom available?
Some of the best audio I've ever heard at a show came out of Woo Audio headphone amps.

The biggest determining factor of the quality of Anglo brands made in China is the quality of the relationship between the brand and factory.

If you go in and shop for the cheapest factory, you will get crap products.  If you build a relationship, pay a fair price, and agree to the quality control needed ahead of time you can get excellent products out of China.