Innuos Zen Mini Mk II with an Ayre Codex

Is anyone successfully using an Innuos Zen Mini Mk II as a server into an Ayre Codex?
Just run the USB through a Topping D10s on the way to the Codex.
No brainer.
Of course I called Ayre, they suggested the very basic cable.Fuzztone, this is a no brain, NOT helplful reply.
when i had a zen mini i ran the toslink into my codex it was fine (used a lifatec cable)

i try to stay away from usb if spdif connection is available...

well good luck to you, hope you sort it out
Ryan Berry suggested I try a very basic USB cable in place of the Wire World USB-Link cable I had bought from Schiit.  I used the very basic 6' cable in the Codex box which had never been unwrapped. This solved the communication problem with the Innuos, and I was even able to go back to the low latency setting. He said using a USB upgrade cable is hit or miss.For those who have had some issues with USB communications, it might be worth a retry to go basic.A basic design feature of the Ayre USB DACs is the asynchronous Streamlength USB input.

You should touch base with JohnnyR at Audio Connection in Verona NJ. He has that setup in his showroom.