I am going to blow some money on the R2R Halo May Level 3 DAC just to see what the differences are.
You’ll hear a difference -and- if you are more acclimated to the big wide open clear sound of the DAC3B, its possible you might not like the romantic and velvety analog sound of some of the R2R Ladder DACs. I do, helping with some streamed content, particularly for tracks that were not recorded very well, makes it more enjoyable.
The end result also has to do with how open and transparent your preamp/amp and speakers and the rest of the gear is - all together.
Did you see this former Agon thread, folks talking about the Holo Audio May DAC by chance? Different thoughts about the results... fwiw. https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/holo-audio-may-dac
And, over at SBAF, some interior pics of the level 3 Holo May DAC, big toroidal transformer and caps inside, nice:
Best of luck on the new R2R Ladder DAC journey. All personal preference of course.
Having both types can be fun too.