Should mags review stuff not easily available

Wondering what people think about the stereo magazines running reviews on equipment you can't try out at the local stereo shop?
I hear about a lot of great stuff on the internet but I haven't been enticed to drive 500 miles to D.C. to hear VMPS speakers regardless of what people say.. Or spend $40-$100 on having Axiom, Athena, Nohr, or Swans shipped to my house (risk free). Could get expensive in a hurry.
It seems to me that the brick and mortar stores filter through the junk. First they have good hearing / know what the customer wants. Second if they don't sell stuff they go out of business. So their products better be good. The only bad thing being that they are slower in getting stuff on their shelves. So maybe they are missing a hot new product.

How many people buy something on the internet without hearing it first and expect to be fully satisfied? Or be better than what they presently own because someone else liked it.
Is this really a practical way to sell audio stuff where the buyer has no way of knowing what they're getting until they hear it for themselves?
Hi Unsound. I agree with your point. Without competition there is no reason for the big companies to work harder.
But an example for me is a single driver speaker I found. I would like to hear it but then I get deterred from the concept when comparing a single driver JVC boombox vs. the comparably priced Yamaha MCR-150. Also chat on this board has not been too positive on single drivers so I guess I'll let it go. Maybe I'll miss something good. That bothers me.
Another example, Revel speakers have always turned me off. Then I heard them at a local dealer (the reviews never impressed me that much and I wouldn't have paid to ship them to my house) and I've been very impressed.
It's just hard to work around the shipping / convenience issue for me.
As an ex-hifi store owner, I can tell you it's always a balancing act between what sells in the mid-market in sufficient quantity to make the business viable, and the really cool stuff that actually excites you. It takes a major market to support a high end store, along with a knack for the high-end business.