FM Tuner for audiophiles-is it a bad idea today?

I have almost completed my analog/digital mid-fi audio chain and was originally planning to eventually add a used FM Tuner primarily based on
leaning towards a tubed tuner or top of the list Accuphase.

I plan to stream both Tidal and Qobuz.

However, I suspect that most/all FM Tuner songs are either Cd/Redbook quality or lower, and that nobody spins vinyl for radio anymore.

Is adding a high-end FM Tuner pointless/a bad idea?
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As long as you don’t listen to R&R, you’re good. There is still public broadcast stations playing Classial & Jazz. Other than that, it’s a novelty. If you’re looking for sound quality in a tuner-it’s arguably done with a tubed  tuner.

Take your pic-Marantz 10B Rel Precedent. Then the rest of other tube tuners.
Invest in a real antennae setup to hear what it’s all about.

The station I listen to spins vinyl, KCRW. They also play auto-tune digital stuff. Can't have it all. However, music discovery is great with this local station.

I have 2 tuners and use both regularly. A Magnum Dynalab MD102 for FM and the following, for the HD and FM band. HD is awful sonically compared to FM but I need the HD band occasionally.

The Sony HD tuner is pretty amazing at picking up stations. It does not sound as good as the MD 102 but it has a better signal grabber. I say the Sony is 95% of the MD 102 sonically on the FM band.