FM Tuner for audiophiles-is it a bad idea today?

I have almost completed my analog/digital mid-fi audio chain and was originally planning to eventually add a used FM Tuner primarily based on
leaning towards a tubed tuner or top of the list Accuphase.

I plan to stream both Tidal and Qobuz.

However, I suspect that most/all FM Tuner songs are either Cd/Redbook quality or lower, and that nobody spins vinyl for radio anymore.

Is adding a high-end FM Tuner pointless/a bad idea?
Is adding a high-end FM Tuner pointless- Yes, IMO.

Instead, download the streaming app, there are several to choose from. You do pay a monthly fee but you get a much better SQ and you’re also in a driving seat as far as what you like to listen.

I have been listening to Qobuz at home or on the go. 
Thanks all, very informative. I haven’t researched yet, but there’s probably a good chance there are good FM stations where I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I like the idea of a DJ picking what he/she feels like rather than a pre made playlist.

I guess that once I get my Tidal+Qobuz+vinyl up and running, then if I have a strong enough curiosity itch and/or find FM station(s) that I’ll like, I’ll probably get an FM Tuner + antenna. Still on the fence between the top rated Accuphase or a tube tuner like a Sansui though. Perhaps it’s a tube vs SS preference. Since I have a SS preamp+amp (Constellation Inspiration) I need not worry about too much tube midrange warmth.  Also, if I get a used FM tuner and later decide I don’t like/want it, I could resell - I’d expect to recoup most of what I paid for it - seems like I’m talking myself into getting an FM tuner.
@kennyc I bought my MD 102 when I lived in Los Altos Hills. That is your area and there were a few worth while stations up there. I loved the station that played Latin Jazz on Sunday (Jessie "Chewie" Vera sp?) was the DJ. That was a decade ago. The MD102 sounded like CD quality on the Bay Area FM stations.
I'm fortunate to get good reception of KUSC (91.5 FM) classical music 24/7 with no commercials on a Magnum Dynalab FT-101A tuner. Rivals the sound quality of CD playback.
I have about 4 good public/community music stations in my area and 2 NPR news stations.  I loved my Mac mr74,mr67, mr71.  But it was a pain getting them in top shape, finding someone to work on them  and shipping them across the country.
So I went to streaming, first with a macbook via usb/spdif  and now using a Chromecast Audio into a MHDT Dac.  Mush easier, more choices ( love WWOZ) and sounds great.  Do I miss twiddling the knobs. oh yes!