Acurus ACT 4 firmware update problem/question to owners


I have an Acurus ACT 4 (16 channel) with some software bugs. A few specific menu points hang the device screen so that it has to switched off with the back panel power button.

I'm trying to resolve it with the firmware update, but can't understand how the hell it works. I select the update menu on a device, then it asks to connect the flashcard and then nothing happens.

Can anybody please help me to understand how the firmware update works on the ACT and/or probably share your experience resolving software bugs?
Thanks a lot!

But one more stupid question: 🙂 where do you get firmware update file?  My search was unsuccessful so far. 
Ask your dealer or EMail Indy Audio Labs

The firmware update is not on their web site
They should send you by EMail , the firmware and some pdf files
that will show you how to procede. It is always that way.
You need a laptop ( I use Windows ) , a mini USB to USB cable

have the serial number of your unit  with you , when you will EMail them

Oh... these guys know how to complicate simple things :))

Thank you for clarifications!