Why is there no love for Prima Luna?

I have noticed fairly negative comments on Prima Luna in various discussions. Granted, I’ve never heard their gear but they seem to offer quite a value proposition. Point to point wiring, auto bias, protection circuits, easy tube rolling, good parts and build quality. I had considered looking into the Evo series integrated but the brand seems to be downplayed on this forum. Anyone have direct experience as to why?
"Speaking of Chinese gear... "

NO surprise there. Would anyone here be listening to their system regardless of brand, WITHOUT a Chinese connection? Doubtful

Made in USA =assembled with stuff we had to buy offshore, because it's cheaper. 
@tablejockey  Exactly. And he goes through all the variations pretty well. Made in China...with parts from elsewhere; made in America, with parts from elsewhere, including China; etc. Global economy, interdependent manufacturing, etc. There's a high cost to low prices and, in audio, there's a high cost for even high prices!

We (middle and especially, lower middle class) have paid the highest price of all for cheap prices; our standard of living has been reduced to poverty, as a result of loss of jobs, while the "corporate" politicians and corporations they serve, have gotten infinitely richer.