Another thing you know nothing about, being short of breath. I was there. Remember? Nine days in hospital. 7 to 9 liters O2. No sealed tent, you are living in fantasy land. Joking about being intubated only shows just how depraved you really are. And all of it pure insult, with not one shred of evidence to back up your point or undermine mine. Which of course, because there are no such facts, only fake news and twisted insults.
The fact of the matter is this China virus is not even as deadly as Swine flu, a fact borne out in US mortality tables that show this year below average. Say again, below average.
Haven't bothered to look any of that up yourself, I can safely bet. Never will, I will double down. Its simply not in your DNA to figure anything out for yourself. Possibly tried once, failed, figured its a waste of time. Which maybe in your case it is.
See, I can throw insults too. Only try and notice the difference. In between the (richly deserved) insults there was a tight, cohesive and irrefutable argument. Try it some time. If you can.