Doge 8 Clarity with tube upgrade or Primaluna EVO 300

Replacing my current preamp. Its dead Jim. Price is a limiter but performance is still important.. I have come down to between the upgraded Doge 8 Clarity and the EVO 300. Leaning PrimaLuna but the price point on the Clarity is really nice. I have a line on an EVO 300 for $2700 and the Clarity sells new  with upgrade for $1800. Interested in people's thoughts on the two units.
Ignorance is on your part on this topic I am afraid, I have an fully balanced amp, but I did not buy it because it was a balanced amp but because it sound just the same using balanced cabling or rca cabling, please read up on the topic, and try to educate yourself, it is never too late.
Actually single ended is the "purer" path, but if you have long cable runs, balanced is the way to go, even if the gear is not truly balanced, you still get the quiter cabling benefit. That being said, I do prefer using balanced cables if I have a choice due to being more robust connection.

LOL, but you neglected to say whether your preamp and source was as well

Quite simply unbalanced circuit boards contain both channels (single ended?) which lends itself to cross talk and other electrical compromises that degrade the left/right channel purity. That's a fact jack
Dual mono balanced is even better as it utilizes separate power supplies as well 

hth people who were confused between the two.
But you are doubling everything to be true balanced, a product done properly, would you notice any difference in sound quality?
I am skeptical to that, for the money I think you get more single ended, if it is 0.001 or 0.00001, who cares!?