Need advice replacing my preamp

I have a Modwright LS100. Very nice but not balanced and I have long RCA's so they pick up noise. I am considering 2 preamps. Kindly share your knowledge/experience and advise what you think is better. BTW I will be mating this with a Wells Audio Inamorata power amp. The 2 preamps in question are the BAT vk42se or PS Audio BHK Signature Pre. Thanks.
XLR outputs are not necessarily balanced. I have an LS 100. It is not balanced. It's one of the things in my system that I don't ever really think about replacing though.
@verdantaudio Im all ears on suggestions please share. and Big_Greg true just because there are XLR connectors on the back panel you have to ask if it is truly balanced. @Tweak1 I would have to change out the amp too but one at a time. Right now just focusing on one component :)
 I realize the output is actually single ended, but I am using 3 m XLR to power amp and I have no noise.
You might want to look at the preamp the PS Audio was based on, the Aesthetix Calypso which has balanced and single ended inputs and outputs. Also I have heard good things about the Wells Commander which appears to have 1 XLR input and output. The description says these are unbalanced though.

One other thing, what interconnects are you using? Are they shielded? You might want to try different ones and see if you still have the problem. I would also recommend that you talk to Dan Wright as he may have suggestions. Good Luck!