Tuning my system towards a darker tone

I am trying to tune my system in a darker direction; as I have a bright ( lots of glass) listening area and have been directed by my interior designer ( aka wife) not to add room treatments.  Starting with power cords, then possibly ICs would like to find a natural sounding power cord but with a darker tone.  System includes: leben cs 600 amplifier, Linn Akurate Streamer DAC, Feikert Volare TT, Luxman CD player.  Current power cords include Luna, Audio Art and Raven.  Note: my speaker cables are not in play as they are within the walls and were picked to appease building codes in our area.  My price range for cord 500-1000.


Maybe they should not cross at all.  They could point straight across the room.
@mahgister — you continue to spread so many nuggets of infinite audio wisdom. Yet I never see anyone thanking you or showing even a modicum of gratitude. What gives?
Thank you for your kind consideration...

Some have thank me already and it is enough for me and i was glad to be helping a little with my limited knowledge coming only from my experiment....

But you must know that what i have done is very unorthodox, and was done with homemade materials, then it is easy to think that it is silly or delusional for many and i understand that....

But it is very simple to verify and test my peanut cost " golden plate" for example.... I use them all along my electrical grid main spots...And the effect is a decreasing of the noise floor and it is audible....I dont sell anything, my result are there free to try and it is the reason why audio forum exist....

For the rest it is perhaps too crazy for most people and also not so esthetical ( especially my complex acoustical embeddings controls)... But my goal was transforming my system to his highest potential level with the less money invested possible and by my homemade devices only.... i succeed....

That worked so good that "upgrading" is for me superfluous....For sure if i could i will replace my marvellous Sansui AU 7700 amplifier and my very good speakers Mission Cyrus with better one but between 350 dollars for the set i own, versus 4000 us dollars for Harbeth speakers and 6,000 for a Berning amplifier, the gulf is for me too large....Anyway what i listen to now is the best i had listen to in my life so i would be afraid to upgrade with less quality gear that these stupendous 2 components i just mention.... I will stay with very good one anyway if i dont win the loto....

But i have other ideas to improve my room for example coming from my imagination 😊 even if for the last month i only listen my music without even thinking that i lack something soundwise....But perfection is a goal for an infinite experiment....

I will did a new fun, no-cost, experiment in a week or 2....And describe it in my thread....

you continue to spread so many nuggets of infinite audio wisdom.

I will not react to this gentle irony otherwise, except by saying that if you think about what i said without prejudice you will know that it is probably right... For me it is not "probably" it is an experience....

My basic principle in audio is simple: dont upgrade till after you had rightfully embed your audio system, acoustically, mechanically and electrically....

Then there is only one nugget and it need only a finite set of simple experiments to verify it, if i can correct you....😌

My best to you and happy christmas....
There’s a 1m pair of Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference ICs (original version) on eBay for $229.  Very warm sounding but still nicely detailed so may help push you in the right direction for not much $.  Cardas Golden Cross would be another IC to look at.  Best of luck. 
Just use EQ via DSP. Don't be stubborn. Every recording you own has been EQ to some extent. It is a valid tool except in the audiophile community. Download REW and buy a Mic, and you will never look back.

Maybe they should not cross at all. They could point straight across the room.

I asked because I have the similarly designed O/96's and they sound terrible pointed straight out.  In my room they sound best with the tweeters crossing right at the listening position which is how John DeVore suggests as a starting point when adjusting toe-in.  Even opened just a little bit loses a lot of sound quality/soundstage in my room.  I thought you were suggesting some form of extreme toe-in which piqued my curiosity as I had never tried that before - until this evening.  Nope, that degrades sound as well so back to the way I had it.