Near field monitor advice please

Hey I am looking to get some near field monitors for use at my desk. I was thinking of getting better headphones (i have hd800S and ZMF atticus), namely Hifiman susvara. But I figure a much better use of my cash would be good near field monitors for even less money.
My local dealer recommends Proac Tablette 10 or Spendor classic 4/5, thoughts on these or any other options? Like to spend under $4k. I also have a used ATC Scm19 v2 locally. I want to wall mount them and have them angled down (firing over my triple computer monitors).
Not all Genelec use class d amps.

FYI, I never said that Genelec uses Class D amps.  I only describe how Adam does their amp configuration.

If you want nearfield listening use what the pros use who use them day in day out.
djones51 - have you actually sat down and listened extensively to these monitors?  Or are you really just repeating "what the pros use".  The professional mix-down engineers have a completely different requirement and agenda to provide a mix that is pleasing on most variations of consumer stereos.  That does not necessarily mean that their preferred "monitors" would be exactly what an audiophile wants.  It really depends on what the "audiophile" wants.
The point of day in day out is the new coaxial Genelecs are easier on the ears, less fatigue, it has nothing to do with agendas. They have low distortion in the bass region, very smooth coherent speakers. If he was looking at a higher price point I would toss in Dutch and Dutch 8c, bit more WAF, though my wife thinks the round Genelecs are cute. I was under the impression the OP "audiophile" was looking for nearfield monitors? 
Might look into the Tannoy Autograph Mini speaker.  Beautiful and sound that way.
Is this the same room as the NS5000 or a different room? If it is a different room then I think a KEF LS50 regular or Meta is great. However, I would not put it on the desk I would put the 3 monitors up against the wall and then the speakers behind me. It is great this way. I have tried LS50’s, Audience 1+1 V3, and Audioengine 2 on my desktop and they were only adequate. Putting the LS50 behind me was a fantastic improvement.

Now if your NS5000 are in the same room as these computer monitors send me a PM and I will give you more info of someone local to you who will make them sing. I just did this and it is shocking how incredible the improvements are in my small room. I believe your NS5000 are in a small room from our past conversation.

BTW - the Thiel CS3.7 and the NS5000 were my finalist for my office but since the office is so small I went with the slightly less bass heavy CS3.7. Still considering the NS5000 for my downstairs in 2021.