Again, recommended CDPs for $2K-$3.5K

Greetings -

I realize that there are a couple of other threads on this subject. I've pored over them and still haven't been able to come to a decision, so I was hoping to find a bit more help by starting a new thread.

Novice here, just beginning to build a decent 2-channel system. I've already purchased a Spectron Musician II amp - fed by a P-500 regenerator - to drive Magneplanar 3.3 R speakers. I have an extensive CD collection, almost entirely redbook. (A separate system I have will handle other formats.)

For the forseeable future, I'll be running driving the amp directly from the CDP, so I'll need volume control on the player. I've seen two camps on that - some favor it, some do not, but for now that's my state of affairs. I don't anticipate vinyl at this time, nor will I be hooking a tuner, or any other units. Just straight CD, as far as I can determine.

I've strongly considered the Cary 303 players and have seen a number of favorable reviews. It might also help that the Cary facility is only two hours from where I live in eastern NC, making any needed repairs or tune-ups easier. Based on other recommendations, I've ruled out the Wadia 830, yet would like an AA Capitole MKII or Esoteric UX-3 were it not for the price tags.

Budget currently (i.e., before the gift-giving season) is between $2,000 - $3,500.

So with that, have at it. What would you consider, given these parameters?

Thanks in advance!
Rhanson739, the Electrocompaniet EMC 1 UP CDP is one of the best sounding redbook players on the market. It is rarely talked about anymore, but still is highly competitive with reference quality CDPS. Built like a tank, the transport in the player is better then many stand alone transports, it offers a wonderful "analog" type sonic signature. One is being sold right now on the GON by Holm Audio for $3600.00. The store selling it is a terrific shop with very nice people working there. Hope this helps.
Hey Rob, looks like you need tubes in your system. Why not try a Modwright modded 999ES or 9000ES? On redbook, my 999ES easily bettered an Audio Aero DAC (same as the one in the Capitole MKII) that I used to own. Either one of these Modwrights will fall at the lower end of your scale price-wise, but are beyond your scale performance-wise.

Usual disclaimer: this is my opinion based on my ears and system, no affiliation with Modwright other than a satisfied customer.
Teejay I don't think the EMC has a volume control. I would say try one of the Cary's, in your range you could get a used 303/300 or a used 306/200 both of which have remote volume control. Another idea might be the AA Prima, but I'm not 100% certain it has a volume control.
Oh yes, I forgot...Modwright has a DACT attenuator option which will allow you to run directly to the amp. That is exactly how I'm running at this moment, with great results.