The USPS would be profitable if not for the fact the GOP Congress required them to fund future pension liability 30 years out, a requirement no other organization suffers. Could be fixed fairly easily if the will was there.
Article 1, section 8 gives Congress authority to establish post *offices* and postal roads. That did not include postal carriers, which was originally done by independent contractors.
I don’t see an Amendment that gave Congress authority to change the Constitution. But like 95%+ of what Congress does, it creates bureaucracies that expand the Federal Government beyond what is specified and mandated, and worse, funds it without having that authority.
I’m more a Libertarian than anything else, so don’t get me started how both parties have screwed up the Federal Government and it’s out of control spending by establishing agencies, laws, programs, etc. way beyond their scope of legislative Constitutional authority.
Anyway, I see no correlation between pension liabilities and the current problems.
I told myself not to get involved in this silly political nonsense, so I’ll leave it there.