Paul McCartney 3

Not really a fan of his solo work, but heard some buzz about his newest album and gave it a listen when it was realeased a few days ago and am immersed. Not to the point of being a fanboi but definitely appreciative and happy listening both as a music lover and an audiophile (and yes, there is a difference).

Good songwriting and production from a genre god who does this for the love of it.

I saw him about 2-3 years ago at MSG, was outstanding, great voice then, hard to imagine he has lost that in such a short time.  I just got the CD, will listen.  
Will always give Sir Paul a shot but yes his voice ain’t what it used to be of late.
I saw him live at FedEx Field with seats in the sweet spot a few years back. He had a good night vocally that night. But some bootlegs I’ve heard from other shows in that tour like at Coachella were more spotty.

We do have a local McCartney tribute band, “The Paul McCartney Experience” that does a great job.