Point of higher priced streamer?

Assuming I have separate DAC, and I just want to play songs from iPad by Airplay feature.
In this case, I need a streamer to receive music from my iPad -> DAC.

What’s the point of high price streamer? I’m bit surprised that some streamers are very high priced.
From my understanding, there should be no sound quality difference.
(Streaming reliability and build quality, I can see it but I do not see advantages in terms of sound quality.)

Am I missing something? If so, please share some wisdom.
Listening to local music files on a USB memory stick attached directly to the Pro-ject streamer sounds smoother, clearer and with better musical flow than the same track via Qobuz.
Because we have to first determine is this statement true? The only way I know of is can he pick which is which better than chance? 
We're not comparing apples to apples we're trying decide can this person really tell one from the other then we can go on to figure out is it due to hardware? Software? 
This is a great thread. Thanks everyone for posting their opinions. I want to move up a level to something with a power supply as I’ve read that makes a big difference.

I’m using a Nobsound USB to SPDIF Converter XMOS XU20 with no power supply, connected to my Android and to my Classe processors DAC through a 75 ohm dig cable(I know it aint 75 ohm though). It sounds pretty good as my Classe’s DAC is 24/192 and it gets Bit Perfect through UAPP but I bet there is a step up with a power source. But there aren’t many "inexpensive" options where I can use my phone as the controller.

To the thoughtful posts on power cables, it is incredible how expensive some of them are. I respect Shunyata but can a $6000 Omega mains sound $4000 better than a $2000 Vertere Acoustic HB mains?
This is just recreational arguing at this point.  Both sides aren't without merit and nothing will get decided.  So what's the point?