Wilson Sophia III vs Sasha

Currently own Sophia IIIs and I've been contemplating going to Sasha's. Has anyone compared them in the same system? Your thoughts/opinions are greatly appreciated.
The Sashas are worth the extra $ IMHO if you have the electronics to drive them. Quite a bit better than Sophia 3s in all areas, but especially dimensionality, soundstage, separation of instruments and reproduction of frequency extremes. Of course, the Sophia 3s are excellent and are not as demanding of ancillaries.

Honestly Ricred1

If your source is the Rega CD player and you are upgrading speakers, you need therapy and your X wife needs a bigger alimony settlement.
I don`t know the Rega player at all, is it subpar given the rest of his system?
If it were me, I'd spend money on room treatments, a decent tube amp and lastly cable upgrades before upgrading to the Sashas.