Wilson Sophia III vs Sasha

Currently own Sophia IIIs and I've been contemplating going to Sasha's. Has anyone compared them in the same system? Your thoughts/opinions are greatly appreciated.

Honestly Ricred1

If your source is the Rega CD player and you are upgrading speakers, you need therapy and your X wife needs a bigger alimony settlement.
I don`t know the Rega player at all, is it subpar given the rest of his system?
If it were me, I'd spend money on room treatments, a decent tube amp and lastly cable upgrades before upgrading to the Sashas.

The ex-wife part is funny! I don't pay alimony, I don't have tons of money. I have a hobby that I love. I save and sacrifice to get my toys. If money wasn't an issue, I would buy what I wanted and that would be the end of it.

I use the Apollo as a transport and have it going into a Audio Research DAC7. I believe in investing in speakers first and build around them. I have heard differences between cables, amps, preamps, etc...however I submit from my experience you get the speakers you want and match the components to your speakers. I can't do everything at the same time; therefore my thought was speakers first.
Your mind seems made up. I think in this case your not going to be happy after your purchase of the Sashas for a long time and many many upgrades!!! Why not enjoy and upgrade your current system with the Sashas in mind??? I'd start with the transport, then ASC 16" tube traps in the corners. I tried GIK 244 and the ASC worked a lot better for me. I think you'll find getting a tighter well defined bass and cleaner mids without bass smear will let you hear how good the Sophia lll is.
Many people saying very similar things here, I would listen especially concerning treatments!!! People like Jfrech and his vast experience with Wilson products this is knowledge not a guesstimate!!!!