Bryston BDP-1 vs Bluesound Node 2i

The Bryston can be had for close to the same price as the Bluesound Node 2i (within a couple hundred $).  Not using the internal DAC.  Do you think the Bryston would be better than the Bluesound?
  • Used and abused?
  • The BDP-i is almost triple the MSRP of a 2i.
  • I don’t know how good a DAC you need to hear the difference. If you use anything besides Room or Tidal the Bryston looks to leave you high and dry like a WY Great Basin dust storm.
  • Even if you use Tidal, BlueSound has Tidal Connect already.
I would use Roon so it will play Tidal and Quobuz through that. 

I know the Bryston was triple the price, but it's also considerably older.  I just wondered if it was still a great piece compared to the new low-dollar standard Bluesound. 

Bluesound for $400 or Bryston for $500
I have a BDP-2 with upgraded IAD board. Also have a few BS Node 2is. Connected to my Schiit Yggdrasil A2 and Denafrips Terminator, the difference is definitely noticeable, particularly comparing AES connection from the Bryston compared to SPDIF from the Node 2i.

I'm not sure how much better the BDP-2 with IAD upgrade is compared to the BDP-1. You could ask on the AudioCircle Bryston forum. If your DAC doesn't have AES support, the difference is probably not quite as significant. 

As fuzztone pointed out, the Bryston does not have the same functionality as the Node 2i. In my opinion, the Bluesound UI is a big step up from the Bryston Manic Moose software, but it all depends on what you are looking for. I used my Bryston just for Roon and for that it works great. But if you want to use Spotify or internet radio stations, the Node2i is the better choice. 

I am planning to sell my BDP-2 (if you are interested, send me a PM). I just got a Denafrips Gaia and I am connecting my Roon ROCK server directly to the Gaia which is now connected to my Terminator DAC through i2s, so I don't need a streamer in this system any longer. I still have a bunch of Node 2i's connected to systems elsewhere in the house so that I can play to multiple zones through Roon, but I'm using the built in DAC on the Node2i for these systems.
I have the Bluesound Node2i, then went to the Bryston BDP3.  In truth, I never have heard the BDP1.  The BDP3 is a significant sonic advance over Bluesound.  Beware, however, of Manic Moose, which pretty much everyone hates.  The BlueOS makes for a much more pleasant user experience.  I now use 3rd party apps with the Bryston, the best being Regelian