millercarbon- Its and easy bet that music streaming FAR outpaces albums sales, as of the middle of 2019 just Qobuz has over 200,000 members worldwide, over 25,000 in the U.S. alone! Considering I listen to at least one playlist a day on Qobuz, just think of how many parts of albums that’s equivalent to in one week! Who buys that many albums? Yes, CD’s have mostly gone by the wayside, to be replaced by a cost effective, and in many people’s opinion, the often better quality alternative of music streaming.
Yes, I understand that many people place a high value on actual physical recordings, and I certainly don’t begrudge them of that. There’s a value in that that’s undeniable. For me, and hundreds of thousands of others, across all the streaming services out there, the huge value in the available instantaneous variety is preferable. To each their own.
Yes, I understand that many people place a high value on actual physical recordings, and I certainly don’t begrudge them of that. There’s a value in that that’s undeniable. For me, and hundreds of thousands of others, across all the streaming services out there, the huge value in the available instantaneous variety is preferable. To each their own.