
Hi all, 1st time ever to any forum and full disclosure I am a total novice in the audiophile world, that being said, I am looking for recommendations for a 8K receiver to power the following unpopular speaker in the USA, Vienna acoustics. I have a total of 7 speakers (4) Grand bookshelf 6ohm (2) Waltz 4ohm and (1) maestro center channel 6ohm. I am currently using an older Marantz SR7005 but since I purchased a 4K TV I am looking to upgrade!
thank you in advance 
Thank you, and by the way I am not apposed to any opinions on how best to do a multi-component setup and i know there are way better speakers out there but I have to work with what I have for now! 
 NAD and Anthem are my only two realistic choices right now. Anthem is in the middle of a product change, so you may find the MRX line at a discount as they roll out their latest.

I wouldn't put any consideration into "8K" stuff.  It's really just the next marketing gimmick to "sell" consumers into buying new equipment.  Realistically, in some situations, you really don't even need 4K.